August 30, 2011

Holy Guacamole

It's after midnight on August 30, 2011 which indicates that I am leaving tomorrow for Peru. Holy Guacamole. I can't believe it's already here. My bags are packed (I'm ready to go) and I have impressed myself by packing my belongings in just 1- yes one suitcase to take with me to peru for 10 months. Granted it's going to be over the 50lb limit but I'm ok not being that American who brought enough luggage for a small army. I can thank attending sleep-away camp for teaching me to roll my clothing into tight, little logs which gives me 30% more room to pack more crap! 

A quick story before bed: Today I went to AAA to get some free maps (thanks Stan!). I asked the 20-something man if I could please have a map of South America, specifically Peru if possible. He looked me straight in the eye and said "I don't have a map of South America but I have a map of Mexico." 

True story.