September 14, 2011

We Be Jammin

My life is awesome. I love meeting new people and conversing in a language that is foreign to me. It can sometimes be difficult for my brain to process in large doses- but it's really the best way to learn. Last Thursday I went to Metro which is the supermercado here in Lima. As I was checking out with my 2 items I was asked if I needed a receipt- but I didn't understand at the time and the line was getting longer. A young woman next to me knew some English and was able to help a sista out. We exchanged information and it turns out that she is a clothing designer and has her own store! We got to talking and this young woman, Jennifer (Yen-ee-fer) is in the process of learning English and I, Spanish so I was invited to see her store, check out her clothes and chat for a bit! When I woke up this morning I decided to venture out to find Floam, Jennifer's store to see if she was working. I left my hostel and was greeted by the effortlessly beautiful South Pacific ocean and the bright sun which managed to make an appearance for about 30 minutes- the first time in 5 days! I casually walked to San Martin- a busy and popular street with stores, restaurants, and a museum about Lima's electricity (?). I was in no rush but definitely wanted to know where I was going. Turns out I turned the wrong way on San Martin and walked 7 blocks in the wrong direction- but I'm ok with the scenic route. I saw some men in uniforms and conveniently stopped at a police station to ask for directions. I walked another 2 blocks and came across 2 good-looking men in their mid twenties- one playing a guitar and the other a saxophone! No hat for money or begging- just jammin on a park bench- nbd. After a 5 min listening session (and clapping after each song) I walked 3 more blocks and found Floam- a dainty store with some of the most beautifully hand-crafted works of wearable art I've seen for less than $100 for a t-shirt. I probably won't be filling my wardrobe with the delicate pieces of art- but will definitely invest in something beautiful to support the cause of my new friend/student! Unfortunately I didn't coordinate with Jennifer about stopping by and simply showed up hoping she'd be there. She wasn't- but again, I liked the scenic walk. I spoke with Jennifer's mom, Silvana who also knows a teeny bit of English. We practiced chatting for about an hour. I browsed the store and fell more and more in love with the next piece of clothing I touched with my 'not clean enough' hands. After practicing my Spanish I departed for the hostel to eat my free lunch- who said there aren't free lunches!?! Right now I'm hanging out on my patio, talking to travelers who want to buy Red Hot Chili Peppers tickets. I got an offer for 650 soles for a VIP ticket. A) I would never pay that much ($250) but at the same time, seeing the RHCP would be life changing. I'll save it for November 9th when Damian Marley comes to Lima!!!! whaaa